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Important: Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

Important: Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

Now that we have a couple of weeks of school under our collective belts, we have a few reminders and housekeeping items regarding arrival and dismissal. We are greatly appreciative of everyone's cooperation during our busy mornings and afternoons.

1. Children are NOT to be left outside unsupervised prior to 8am. This is a safety issue, as well as a liability issue. If students are found unsupervised before 8am, they will be sent to Before School Care and families will be charged the registration fee and hourly rate for Before School Care. If you need Before School Care, please contact Laurie at 301-447-3165 for registration information.

2. When using the parking lot in the morning for drop off, please be considerate of others. As you've seen, it's a very small lot and it's the primary place for our faculty and staff and visitors with business in the school to park. We ask you to please refrain from taking up spaces longer than necessary if you're only dropping your child off.

3. Thank you for respecting our dismissal process for walk-ups! It has helped make dismissal run more smoothly. We do ask, however, that once you have picked up your child you depart the area. Please do not allow them to run around the sidewalks or grassy area; this disrupts the process and distracts our staff members who are there to facilitate the car line.

Again, we are grateful for your respect of our processes and your partnership in helping our arrival and dismissal times run smoothly and safely!