Stocks and Bonds
Donating appreciated stocks can provide significant tax benefits to the donor while offering a substantial gift to Mother Seton School. Donors receive an income tax deduction for the full market value on the date of the gift, provided you have owned the securities for more than 12 months.
Most donors avoid capital-gains tax otherwise due on the sale of the securities.
Download our Stocks Transfer Form
Unfortunately, when funds are transferred electronically, the donor's name is not always included in the transfer information. Please let us know of your gift so we can properly match the stock that we received with your gift record.
- You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for them.
- You pay no capital gains tax on the transfer when the stock is sold.
- Giving appreciated stock could be more beneficial than giving cash.
- You transfer appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares you have owned for more than one year to Mother Seton School.
- Mother Seton School sells your securities and uses the proceeds for its programs.