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This Week at MSS

woman in white jacket giving high-5 to students passing by

Dear Families,

The HSA meeting for tonight will be rescheduled. Tickets are still on sale for HSA Girls Night Out on February 22 and the HSA Cash Bingo on March 1. Look inside Tuesday News for more details.

 Every February, Americans celebrate Black History Month. This tribute dates back to 1926 and is credited to a Harvard scholar named Carter G. Woodson, Ph.D. As we begin Black History Month, I thought it would be a good time to share information regarding the cause for the Canonization of Sr. Thea Bowman (1937 – 1990).

“Sister Thea was the embodiment of the intersection of Black religion and arts, of cultural heritage confronting contemporary life issues.

Thea is best remembered for her gift of helping children to grow in awareness of their gifts, their cultural heritage and their heritage as children of God. Through song, dance, poetry, drama, and story, she evangelized and catechized, communicating joy, freedom, and pride.

Sister Thea helped to found the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana, where her philosophy of religious education-educating the whole person, body, mind, and spirit, using strategies and methods rooted in the Black Christian tradition in the context of community-shaped and transformed both faculty and students. She left her imprint on many hearts and lives through her lectures, concerts, courses, articles, and recordings of traditional African American Spirituals.

Sister Thea received her PhD in English from The Catholic University of America in 1972. Her influence continues at Catholic Universities (Boston College, Notre Dame University, and Xavier University of Louisiana, to name a few) and Catholic academic institutions throughout the US.” (St. Columba Catholic Church, Oakland, CA).

To learn more about Sister Thea, visit

School will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Have a blessed week!


Kathleen J. Kilty, PhD

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Girls Night Out-February 22

HSA presents: Girls Night Out: The Eras Tour • February 22, 6:30-8:30 p.m. • $15/adult & child; $5 each additional child

*MSS Families Only*

Get ready to sparkle and sway! Girls are invited to bring along a special adult in their life (Dad, Mom, Uncle, Friend, etc.) to dance the night away at our Taylor Swift-themed sweetheart dance this year. Come dressed in your favorite Era! We'll have a DJ and light refreshments.

We could also use a few hands to help with set up, clean up, and making sure it all runs smoothly!

Buy Tickets | Volunteer

woman in white jacket giving high-5 to students passing by

Dear Families,

Congratulations to Pre-K 3 teacher, Mrs. McKenzie Paull for being named the 2024-2025 Friends of Catholic Education Teacher of Excellence. The recipient of this award must demonstrate Christian values in their daily life, demonstrate a high level of expertise in their subject area, create a warm classroom learning environment, be able to motivate students and help them to succeed, be supportive of colleagues, professionally interact with community members, and make a difference in their school environment with their leadership, dedication, and sense of humor. Mrs. Paull does all this and more every day at Mother Seton School. Mrs. Paull was recognized at the annual Friends of Catholic Education Teacher Appreciation Dinner on Sunday, February 2.

Thank you to Joelle Miller, the HSA, and all those who planned and prepared the Catholic Schools Week faculty and staff luncheon on Friday. The meal was delicious. Thank you also to the HSA for the Starbucks gift cards to help faculty and staff close out Catholic Schools Week 2025. We all had a fun time celebrating Catholic education at Mother Seton School.

A couple of calendar reminders: School will be closed on Monday, February 10 for the annual faculty and staff spiritual retreat. School will also be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of President’s Day.

This week’s message about the Jubilee year of hope concerns indulgences, which in our faith refers to the reduction of suffering from sins that have been forgiven. “Jubilee years emphasize the sacrament of reconciliation and restoring relationships with God. They also provide opportunities for a special jubilee indulgence, which can remove the residual effects of sin through the grace of Christ” (OSV, December 2024).

To obtain an indulgence, the usual conditions of detachment from all sin, sacramental confession, holy Communion, and prayer for the intentions of the pope must be met. A few of the many ways someone can obtain an indulgence include making a pilgrimage to Rome; performing works of mercy; fasting from social media; defending all life; volunteering; donating money to the poor; supporting social works; offering support to migrants, the elderly, young people in difficulty, or abandoned children; or visiting your local cathedral or dedicated Jubilee Pilgrimage site. The Archbishop of Baltimore, William Lori, named The National Shrine of Elizabeth Ann Seton a Jubilee Pilgrimage Site. Visit this site in Emmitsburg to learn more about receiving a plenary indulgence. For more information about indulgences, read this article.

Have a blessed week!


Kathleen J. Kilty, PhD


Join us for CASH BINGO to benefit MSS! Sponsored by the Vigilant Hose Company. Saturday, March 1. Doors open at 4pm; Games begin at 6pm.

9 Pack All Inclusive - 25 games!

  • Regular: $150
  • Specials: $250
  • Jackpot: $1000

$40 in advance, $50 at the door - Get your tickets online, at The Palms, or at Wed or Fri night VHC Bingo!


Spring Picture Day- Feb 21

Strawbridge Studios will return on Friday, February 21, for Spring pictures. Students may come out of uniform.

These photos are optional purchases; they will take a couple of different poses of your student against a spring-like background. (Usually at least one is a full-body shot, to include their shoes. Just an FYI.) In a few weeks, you will receive a package with the printed photos. Keep and pay for what you want; return what you don't want. 

More info can be found here.

Safety Message for Bus Parents

We have received many concerns regarding cars driving away as buses are loading and unloading our students, as well as reports of speeding in the parking lots.

Please watch your speed and wait until all students are on the bus or in their cars before you begin moving. This is a safety issue. We do not want to risk a student getting hurt.

We appreciate your patience and your cooperation in keeping all of our students safe.

Calendar Reminders/No School Feb 10

*HSA Gala Planning Meeting for February 5 Has Been Canceled*

February 10: NO SCHOOL - Faculty Retreat

February 11: Mass, 9:30am; HSA Meeting, 6:30pm in the Media Center - RSVP for childcare

February 13: Re-registration forms and fees due to secure a spot next year

February 14: Registration fee increases to $300/student (max $900/family) if paid today or later

February 17: NO SCHOOL - President's Day

February 21: Spring Pictures



Re-Registration Continues




Re-registration for the 2025-2026 school year continues. You will re-register through your parent portal. DO NOT COMPLETE ANOTHER APPLICATION. You do not need an application for your currently-enrolled students. Please visit our Admissions page for a list of important deadlines. Registration for siblings of current students who will be starting MSS in the fall will open on February 14. 

If you will not be returning next year, please notify Laurie in Admissions!

All registration forms must be completed and fees paid no later than February 13, 2025 for your student to maintain their spot in class. As of February 14, registration will open to the public and your child's spot is no longer guaranteed. We already have waitlists for many grades and we will begin filling class spots from those lists beginning February 14. If you have a financial hardship preventing payment of your registration fee on-time, please contact Albert Nastasi at

If you are applying for Financial Aid, the FACTS portal is open NOW. You are strongly encouraged to apply for aid ASAP. Families who applied for aid by the 23rd will be notified of their aid by February 6.


Financial aid applications will be accepted throughout the re-registration period, however, subsequent rounds of aid will not have as much funds available. Please contact Albert Nastasi at if you have any questions.

View Tuition and Fees SY25-26

Visit Affording MSS

Vincentian Voice by Sister Regina


On February 7, we will celebrate the feast day of Blessed Rosalie Rendu, DC (Sept. 9,1786 – Feb. 9, 1856). Rosalie was three years old when the French Revolution broke out. The Rendu family home became a refuge for the priests who would not sign the Oath. Rosalie learned about the Daughters of Charity as she walked by the hospital on her way to school. She entered the Daughters of Charity at 16 years of age. During the Seminary, she struggled with her health and was sent on mission to serve the poor. She remained there for 54 years. Rosalie was a woman of prayer and found her best prayer in the streets serving those in need. Rosalie did whatever needed to be done to serve those in need creating a network of services. She was respected for her dedication to service and was consulted for recommendations by many, including Napolean III’s wife. Rosalie helped students from the Sorbonne including Frederic Ozanam as they began the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in 1834. It is said that 40,000 – 50, 000 people, poor and rich, attended her funeral. To this day, an anonymous hand places flowers at her grave. Her gravestone cross is engraved with these words, “To Sister Rosalie, from her grateful friends, the rich and the poor.”

Reflection QuestionWhat would you like your legacy to be? Will you be known for your dedication to serve those in need?

“Be not lax in celebrating. Be not lazy in the festive service of God. Be ablaze with enthusiasm!”  (Hildegard von Bingen)

Advent Blessings,

Sister Regina Hlavac, Vincentian Voice


Kids Heart Challenge - Feb 4-28

KIDS HEART CHALLENGE 2025 - February 4-28

Goal: $19,000, 100 students registered

Your child's teacher or Mrs. Reaver will send home more information on how to participate.

Key Highlights of the Kids Heart Challenge:

  • Educational Lessons – Teaching students about heart health, staying active, making healthy food choices, and avoiding tobacco.

  • Physical Activities – Engaging events like jump rope challenges and obstacle courses to encourage movement.

  • Fundraising – Raising money to support AHA’s research and community programs.

  • Character Development – Instilling values of kindness, leadership, and community service.

Classroom Incentives:

  • The first three classes to reach 100% registration will win a $25 Amazon gift card for their teacher (courtesy of AHA).

  • The class that completes the most Finn’s Missions will also win an Amazon gift card.

  • Additional challenges and prizes will be announced throughout the event.
Dismissal Notes and Reminders

Please pull up close to the car in front of you when waiting in the dismissal line. We are not supposed to block Creamery Road, which has been happening lately. Help us out by making room!

Also, please stay in your vehicle in the car line. It will help keep the line moving, which is appreciated in these freezing temps, and also helps us stay off Creamery Road. 

Thank you so much for your understanding and patience!

Alert Reminder: Add this number to your contacts

Update from tech support: Text message alerts and calls were successfully delivered to all carriers during the last test. If you did not receive a text or a call on your cell phone, it was most likely filtered out by your wireless carrier.

Please be sure to add the number (833) 969-4285 to your contacts to prevent your phone carrier from flagging these as Spam and holding them in the spam filter.

As a reminder, if there is ever any questions as to whether we are on a weather delay or closure, please refer to the handbook and check our website and social media pages.

Student Pick Up Policy : Reminder

Students must be picked up on time to avoid late pick-up fees. Read for further details.

Since the beginning of the school year, we have had a consistent issue with a number of families failing to arrive on time for dismissal and who have not enrolled their student in After School Care. This has become a safety and regulatory issue. Students may not be unsupervised on school grounds, so when a student has not been picked up on time, a staff or faculty member must wait with them or they must go into After School Care.Tuesday News

Our After School Care program is governed by certain state regulations; if we exceed the number of students per staff member that we plan for, we will need to hire additional staff to avoid being fined by the State. If we have a surprise inspection, which happens on occasion, and we have students using the service who are not registered, we may also face fines. This is not fair to those families who register and pay for After School Care, and who abide by our policies.

Until now, we have been lenient, but some have taken advantage of this. Therefore, as of January 21, 2025, we will begin seriously enforcing the late pick-up fees outlined in the Handbook. This will also include those students who are not picked up within 15 minutes of the scheduled end of an after-school activity, as stated in the amended policy.

We understand that on occasion things happen that are out of your control. If this happens, please call the office. Families who experience extenuating circumstances preventing them from an on-time pick up on rare occasions may have the late fee waived. However, repeated violations of the policy will be dealt with accordingly.

We appreciate your cooperation and courtesy to our staff, faculty, and other families in this matter.

Handbook Amendment

Due to recent events, MSS is amending the policy for student pick up in the Parent-Student Handbook:

Current: Students whose parents repeatedly fail to pick up students by 3:30 p.m. will be sent to the After School Care Program. A fee of $10.00 for the first fifteen minutes and $1.00 each additional minute will be charged. Ex. Child is picked up at 3:50, fee charged is $15. ($10 for first fifteen minutes, $1.00 for each minute after.)

Amended: Students whose parents repeatedly fail to pick up students by 3:30 p.m. or within 15 minutes of the end of an after-school activity will be sent to the After School Care Program. A fee of $10.00 for the first fifteen minutes and $1.00 each additional minute will be charged. Ex. Child is picked up at 3:50, fee charged is $15. ($10 for first fifteen minutes, $1.00 for each minute after.)

MSS Inclement Weather Policy

Please be sure to review the Inclement Weather Policy in the Handbook, page 38. If Frederick County Public Schools closes, delays, or has an early dismissal due to weather conditions, MSS will always follow their lead. 

If FCPS is not in session, but we are, or if local conditions are worse than elsewhere in the county, the Principal may make a call independent of FCPS. 

Regardless if you receive a text or voice alert, MSS's status will be posted to the website and social media, and sent via email, by 6am.

If we do not have a closure or delay, but the conditions in your neighborhood are a cause for concern, you should consider staying home. Just call and let us know. We want everyone to stay safe!

Download the MSS App

Have you downloaded the Mother Seton School app yet? Get the calendar, lunch menu, and Tuesday News at your fingertips. Plus find quick links to the most visited pages on the website. Find it in the Google Play store or Apple App Store. Search for Mother Seton School Emmitsburg and look for our logo!

If you have the app and notifications enabled, you will receive alerts when they are sent.

Already have it? Please give it a rating in the store you downloaded it from. The more good ratings it gets, the easier it will be for other families to find it!

Prayer Corner

Please pray for...

the repose of the soul of Debbie Carbaugh, mother-in-law of Jen Carbaugh (MSS Grants Director), who passed away suddenly


First Name
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Community News

Each month (excluding June and July), Trinity United Methodist Church on Main Street in Emmitsburg hosts a meals giveaway. Walk up or drive up to pick up your boxed meal. A limited number of reservations for meals can be made. Call 301-667-6169 for more info or to reserve a meal (max of 5 per registration).

Meals served 5:00-6:30pm:

February 26

March 26

April 30

May 28

August 27

September 24

October 29

November 19

December 17

The Seton Center 5K is hosted by the Center for Service at Mount St. Mary's University. The Seton Center is the primary non-profit agency serving people in the area of northern Frederick County, Maryland. For more about the Seton Center or to donate directly go to:

  • Runners and walkers are welcome.
  • T-shirts included with registration.
  • Parking is at the PAC.
  • The course begins and ends at the Palmieri Activities Center (the PAC) and will go through the campus.
  • Refreshments will be provided at the conclusion of the 5K, including craft beer.
  • The beer is brewed by the Mount Brewing Club. (Must be 21, ID required regardless of age) 

Register by March 28:

Want to learn basic single rope, Double Dutch and long rope skills? This camp is all about fun and fitness. Come improve your cardio-respiratory endurance, balance, coordination, and muscular strength. Registration opens February 5th, camps begin July 7 and Aug 11. $10 (cash) or $11 (electronic payment).

Register | Learn More


Join us for a fun morning of play at the first-ever Seton Center Disc Golf Tournament! April 12 at the Emmitsburg Disc Golf Course. Check-in begins at 8:30am with multi-level tee times to follow:

9:00am - Experienced

9:30am - Intermediate

10am - Beginner

Concessions available for purchase from Red Envelope and La Carreta Tacos Y Tortas. $25 per player. All proceeds benefit Seton Center Outreach programs for the community.

Register Today: